Momotegi farmhouse, located in the Natural Park of Aiako Harria, opens the doors to show us the work of breeding of ducks and geese and the traditional production of derivatives products.
We will visit the farm where these birds are raising, and we will know the different varieties of products obtained, learning how they are made.
After the visit, we will taste their traditional products, such as foie gras, ham of duck and confit. The price of visit includes also a jar of foie gras 70 gr. or €10 discount of buying any products that the farm has for sale.
Pikogarate bidea, 20
20180 Oiartzun
Tel.: (00 34) 627 429 654
Price of the visit: €32/person
Duration: 1 hour 30 min.
Opening hours: From october to may, booking in advance.