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The coastal route

The Coastal Route crosses Mount Jaizkibel and passes through Pasaia and Lezo in this region.

We start our journey in the International Bridge of Santiago in Irun. After having crossed the Natural Park of Bidasoa and the church of Guadalupe and once we have contemplated the Bay of Txingudi, we reach the route which goes from Donibane (San Juan) to Jaizkibel and Hondarribia.

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St James´ Way The coastal route   St James´ Way The coastal route

We ascend the mentioned road having at a certain point the option to choose between two paths: Towards Lezo or towards Pasaia:

Towards Lezo: We follow the aforementioned road GI-3440 until we get to the Carlist turret. Here we leave behind the road and take the path which starts close to the farm Olatzar. This path will bring us to the historic centre of Lezo, to the street Auñamendi, and from there to Saldise Square. Crossing the avenue Jaizkibel we take the street Zubitxo which leads us to the Square of Santo Cristo. Climbing Mayor Street we get to the avenue Jaizkibel again (end of the town, close to the cultural house and library Andreone), heading towards Pasai Donibane (San Juan) in the road GI-3440. Once in the historic quarter of Pasai Donibane (San Juan) we go along its 'only street' until we arrive at the Calvary of Pity. There we find the small quay where we take the boat to get to Pasai San Pedro.

Towards Pasaia: Following the road GI-3440 for about 400 metres, we reach a sharp curve. Here we leave behind the road and turning left we take a narrow and steep path which descends. After a stretch of stairs we arrive in Pasai Donibane (San Juan). We continue until we get to the Calvary of pity. There we find the small quay where we take the boat to get to Pasai San Pedro.

 Once we have crossed the Bay there are two options:

  • We can walk across San Pedro and Trintxerpe and get to Donostia-San Sebastián from Alto de Miracruz along a totally urban route. This is the shortest way.
  • After having left the quay behind, we turn left and continue along the narrow street to our right until we get to the stairs in front of the church, these stairs lead us to the cemetery (we reach a sealed Romanic door). We turn left bordering the cemetery's left and back side and ascend to the road. After having passed by an observation place which offers an extraordinary panoramic view of the Bay of Pasaia and its surroundings, the road leads us to the lighthouse of La Plata.

When we get to the esplanade of the lighthouse of La Plata, we find, to our left a path which crosses Mount Mendiola with continuous ups and downs. On our journey we see some of the arcs of an aqueduct in ruins and a stony path, which is quite popular. Afterwards we get to a paved road and to the left we find a school. We turn right, climb a small hill and when the road bifurcates we turn left, continuing towards Mount Ulia and Donostia-San Sebastián. While walking we will see the hostel Ulia. We arrive in Donostia-San Sebastián, at the beach Zurriola to be precise.

