The legacy of centuries of the Basque traditional music remains alive and within reach in Soinuenea, a museum located in Oiartzun and established as the main centre of documentation on popular music. This trip to the roots of the Basque Culture needs you: play the most singular instruments, sing and dance with us, and take advantage of your visit to acquire the most detailed material from the best experts.
Plato said that 'Music is for the soul what exercise is for the body', that is why we invite you to train your hearing and get your emotions into shape with this immersion into the world of Basque popular music. Run by the well known expert Juan Mari Beltrán, Soinuenea is a meeting point for music lovers fond of tradition and musical notes with roots.
We will explain you the characteristics of instruments as unique as the txistu, the alboka or the txalaparta, highlighting the historic context from their origins to our days. However, as the wise man said, tell me and I will forget it, teach me and I will remember it, involve me and I will learn it. Because of that reason we tell you about various instruments, but you will also listen to and interpret your first musical notes with the aid of the expert. He himself will play popular melodies and if you want you can dance or sing.
Do not worry if you are shy, we have plenty of material, such as discs, books, DVDs and even instruments. We also organise events to which you can come to listen this type of music live.
Information worth remembering:
Soinuenea - Center of Popular Music
Tornola, 6. Ergoien
20180 Oiartzun
Tel./Fax: (00 34) 943 493 578
Duration: Half a day
Price: 8 €/person. More than 10 people, 80 €/group
Minimum group: 4 people
Languages: Spanish, Basque, French and English.
Open: From Tuesday to Saturday through all the year
Remarks: Suitable for all ages