The Town of Errenteria, in the Oiartzun Valley, to the north east of the Province of Gipuzkoa, was founded in 1320 on receiving the Chapter of San Sebastián from Alphonse XI. Although the foundational document indicates the name of "Villanueva de Oiarso", the denomination "Rentería" was used from very early on due to its commercial port activities. The old part still has its original medieval layout.
The town´s industrial past has given way to bustling commerce and a wide range of cafes and restaurants. On a hill surrounded by countryside, the Fort of San Marcos offers 360º panoramic views. Not far from there are the megalithic routes leading to Aizpitarte caves and the Aitzetako Txabala dolmen, the antechamber of the Añarbe reservoir.
Built in the early 17th century, the "Casa Consistorial" or Town Hall of Errenteria has a square floor plan, built in the Renaissance style. In 1964 the building was declared a Provincial Historical Monument.
Tri-apsidal medieval parish church made of sandstone. Highlights: "The High Altar" - Neoclassical altarpiece (18th century); the church has been designated a Historic Monument by the Basque Government. "The Ánimas Altar" - also considered a Historic Site by the Basque Government.
The origin of Maria Magdalena Basilica is linked with the attendance of pilgrims on the St. James´ Way. Specifically, one of the functions of the Basilica, as in other towns of Gipuzkoa, was of a hospital.
Torrekua House has a noticeably square ground plan and hip roof. It stands at one end of the town on the corner of a block, from where it protected one of the entrance gates.
Morrontxo House, in a mixture of limestone and sandstone, has a predominantly square ground plan. It closes off the town to one end, standing at the head of one of the outside blocks of houses in the Old Part of town. It has a ground floor and three stories.
Zubiaurre mansion, dating from the 17th Century and Baroque in style, is the building that closed off one end of the town where it moreover protected one of the town gates.
Martín de Rentería y Uranzu, born in the last third of the 15th Century and known as "el capitán de la Renteria" (the captain of Errenteria), is responsible for the name of this 17th Century Baroque house.
It was founded around 1543 by nuns from the order of St. Augustine. This highly austere church stands out for its main facade with its classical design and semicircular arched portal.
In the late 18th century, Admiral Iturriza ordered that the coat of arms seen today be added to the facade of both this house and to the one next to it.
Standing in a privileged spot deep in the countryside at less than 10 km from San Sebastian, San Marko Fort is most certainly the best vantage point in the towns Errenteria, Lezo, Oiartzun and Pasaia.
The art found in the Old Part of Lezo, and particularly the areas around the square, is of high architectural-artistic value. One must is the Gothic image of the Holy Christ inside the Santo Cristo Basilica, a religious building which, although initially nothing but a small hermitage, saw the construction of today's Renaissance Basilica following presumed miracles at the end of the 16th Century and therefore the spreading of devotion to the image throughout the entire Basque Country. The peculiarity of this image lies in the fact that it is one of the only three beardless Christs to exist in Europe. You can also visit the Parish Church of San Juan Bautista, the first written reference to which dates from 1399. Other outstanding aspects in the Old Part are its 16th Century buildings, Emblazoned Houses, and the 17th Century Town Hall among others.
The Old Part stands out against Mount Jaizkibel, setting of various itineraries through a countryside dominated by the green of the mountains and the blue of the Bay of Biscay. One of these routes starts in Lezo, making its way over Mount Jaizkibel into Hondarribia.
Lezo also has numerous extremely valuable farmhouses such as Olatzar, Borda, Minkura, Bordatxo, Darieta-zar "Daita", Miura, Iribarren, Gaintza, Apaiziartza, Itzua bekoa, San Juan Iturria, Itxue, Galardi, Arpire-enea, Maisu Cristobal-enea, Susana-enea, Sagu-enea, Jamot-enea, Mandasayania, Pikandia-enea, Paskual-enea, Kuartela, Mariya-enea, Txerrimuno, Zabala-etxea and Andreone.
See cultural tour around the Old Part of Lezo
The basilica started out as a small chapel. Construction on the basilica began in the late 16th century in the Renaissance style. Inside is a unique and highly valuable beardless Byzantine Gothic Christ on the cross.
This church is located on a hill in the centre of town. Its origin is unknown, although the earliest documents mentioning the church date to 1399.
One of the remarkable aspects of the Old Part is the typical constructions of XVIth century: its emblazoned houses, of great architectonic value, historical and cultural. The most representative are: Arpire-Enea, Jamot-Enea, Paskual-Enea, Kuartela, Zabala-Etxea, Andreone.
Construction finalised in 1742. Since the mid-18th century the building has been used as a prison, archive, infirmary, meeting hall, tavern (under lease) and arms museum (containing at least 25 rifles and bayonets).
The towers of Mount Jaizkibel represent the warllike activity that ocurred duren the 19th century in this area.
Outstanding in the Old Parts of Pasai Donibane and Pasai San Pedro are palatial mansions and noble family houses. This kind of building, dating prior to 1800, has a particular typology-architecture setting it apart from the other constructions: self-standing houses like Arizabalo Mansion, or semi-detached like the Platain, Miranda and Villaviciosa houses, all in Pasaia Donibane. There are also narrow, deep terraced houses such as that backing onto Platain House and several family houses such as numbers 44 and 46 of San Pedro. Lastly, we mustn't forget to mention the various bridge-houses typical of Pasai Donibane.
But we can also find popular or middle-class houses: houses with facades in direct contact with the estuary or with their facades looking out onto the estuary; houses with two facades, one looking inland and the other facing the estuary (as is the case of Pasai Donibane); or streets or other spaces looking out over the estuary, such as Bonantza Ibilbidea and the Calle San Pedro. It is also common in Pasai Donibane to find popular or middle-class farmhouses backed against the hillside and entered by a side stairway.
Dossier on maritime activities in the bay of Pasaia
In the historic centres of Pasai Donibane and Pasai San Pedro it is necessary to mention the amount of palaces and important family houses which can be found. All buildings were constructed before 1800 and most of them have direct access to the Bay.
In the Old Part of Pasaia Donibane we will take the only but very pretty street making its way through the old part with its passageways beneath the houses, hidden corners and other charming details.
This was a shipbuilding area serving as a base for ships belonging to the Real Compañía Gipuzcoana de Caracas, founded in 1728.
16th century ashlar and brick framework building with carven wooden eaves.
A porcelain factory existed until the 19th century in the area alongside the high chimney in the Bizkaia district.
Impressive 18th century manor house with a large central coat of arms. Nowadays the Town Hall.
Cruciform church opened for worship in 1643 featuring a combination of Neoclassical and Baroque styles in the facade. Inside are the tombs of the Ferrer brothers, an image of Santa Faustina and a magnificent retable by Sebastián de Lekuona with sculptures by Felipe Arizmendi.
16th century Renaissance style building. Columned facade with two coats of arms.
17th century typical fishermen's house where Victor Hugo lived in 1843.
Built in the 16th century in the Mannerist style with the calvary cross of Our Lady of Mercy.
Villaviciosa mansion is a 16th century building with a plaque commemorating the departure of the Marquis of Lafayette in 1777.
Santa Ana Hermitage Built on a hill overlooking the bay, possibly of Romanesque origin. Restored in 1758. Inside there is a polychrome image of Saint Anne brought from Holland in the 16th century.
The square is lined on one side by a long row of tall narrow typical fishermen's houses. In the centre, the historic Town Hall, built in 1741.
At the centre of the row of houses standing in the Plaza de Santiago, in Pasai Donibane (San Juan), we will find the Baroque old Town Hall, dating from 1741.
Built in the 18th century in the Baroque style. According to tradition, the 17th century image of the Christ of Bonanza was found at sea by fishermen, and soon became a figure of worship for sea merchants, fishermen and privateers.
San Pedro is the area of Pasaia that houses the wharf and fishing fleet, an image plunging us deep into the local seafaring flavour.
Built in the 18th century by the Carrera brothers in the Baroque style. Noteworthy is the decoration on the left side of the church, where an image of Saint Peter the Apostle can also be seen.
The birthplace of one of our most daring sailors. With only one eye, one arm, and one leg, Blas de Lezo defeated the English fleet in 1741 on the coast of Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.
Standing in front of San Pedro Quay, Ferrer House is one of a series of elements related to this local family found in different parts of the village.
Dating respectively to the 12th and 15th centuries. They belonged to the former church of San Pedro.
Everyone who visits MATER Ecoactive Museum Boat will obtain information of how our fishermen live, to which fishing-grounds they go and which arts they use, because it remains as if it could go fishing.
With the building of historical boats as its main activity, Albaola The Sea Factory of the Basques, is an innovative environment where the marine artisanal technology is recovered and showcased. The Factory is open to public and is characterized by its dynamism, the diversity of its activities and its international ambition.
The old part of Oiartzun is particularly remarkable for its age and historical value; here, among others, we will find the Pilgrim's Hospital, the Parish Church of San Esteban de Lartaun, housing a 17th Century altarpiece by Maestro Juan de Huici, classified as Cultural Heritage and Monument by the Basque Government, and the Town Hall, a sober building dating from 1678 differing from other town halls in Gipuzkoa from the same period in that it is not Plateresque in style.
In Oiartzun you can also enjoy a traditional and innovating meal or purchase homemade produce at the local farmhouses.
There are lots of cultural things to see in the area, such as the Soinuenea-Traditional Music Centre, Luberri-Geology Interpretation Centre and Arditurri Mine Land.
This is a free-standing 16th -Century Renaissance construction consisting of two separate parts, the Chapel and the Hospital, joined together under the same roof.
This building, perhaps a Visigoth chapel in the Middle Ages, later became a Romanesque construction today no longer bearing traces of that epoch. It subsequently became an early Gothic construction, of which the occasional feature is still visible.
Built in 1678, this is an austere Baroque masonry construction with a square ground plan and gable roof.
Folk music Exhibition and Document Centre, with collection of musical instruments, library, music library, workshop and multipurpose hall.
This mining galleries that have been worked since 2000 years are placed in the incomparable frame of the Aiako Harria Nature Park. Going deep its mining galleries and visiting its Interpretation Centre is a perfect combination with a walk by this natural environment
Oiartzun Geological Interpretation Centre, which contains two theme rooms: Geological History of the Basque Country and Geology of the Oiartzun Valley.
It is a pedestrian path and cycle track which crosses the Valley of Oiartzun, ideal for the escape. This way is the old way which used the mining train to carry the material which was extracted from the mines of Arditurri to the Port of Pasaia.
This house, built in 1759, is a clear example of the lifestyle of the upper class in Gipuzkoa in the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries.
Errenteriako Hirigune Historikoa Oarsoaldeko zabalena da. Oiartzungo bailaran kokatuta dago, Gipuzkoako lurralde historikoaren ipar-ekialdean. Alfonso XI.ak Donostiako Forua jaso zuenean, 1320ean eratu zen. Fundazioaren dokumentuan "Villanueva de Oiarso" izena jarri zitzaion, baina azkar hasi zen "Rentería" izena erabiltzen, portuan izandako merkataritza-jardueraren ondorioz. Hirigune historikoaren morfologia argi eta garbi Erdi Arokoa da. Hala dira kaleak, partzelazioa eta etxadien egitura.
Lezoko Hirigune Historikoak arte handia du. Plaza karratuaren ondoan dauden elementuei erreparatuz, balio arkitektoniko eta artistiko handiko gauzak aurkituko ditugu. Ezin daiteke alde batera utzi Gurutze Sainduaren irudi gotikoari egin behar zaion bisita. Kristo Sainduaren basilikan dago. Basilika eraikin erlijiosoa da. Hasieran ermita txikia besterik ez zen, baina XVI. mendearen amaieran ustezko mirariarengatik irudiarekiko debozioa Euskadin zehar hedatuz joan zen. Hortaz, ermita zaharra kokatzen zen tokian oraingo basilika errenazentista eraikitzen hasi zen. Irudiak berezitasun bat du: Europan bizarrik gabe hiru Kristo daude eta Lezokoa da horietako bat.
San Juan Batailatzailearen Parrokia ere bisita daiteke. Parrokiaren idatzizko lehenengo aipamena 1399. urtekoa da. Hirigune Historikoaren bestelako alderdi nabarmenak honako hauek lirateke: XVI. mendeko eraikinak, armarridun etxeak eta XVII. mendeko Udaletxea, besteak beste.
Hirigune zaharrak kontraste argia ageri du Jaizkibel mendiaren ondoan. Natura aprobetxatuz, ibilbide ugari egin daiteke. Hala, bi koloretako paisaiaz gozatu ahal izango dugu: batetik, mendien berdea, eta bestetik, Kantauri itsasoaren urdina. Egin daitekeen ibilbideetariko bat Lezon hasiko litzateke eta Jaizkibel mendia zeharkatuz, Hondarribiaraino iritsiko litzateke.
Gainera, Lezok balio handiko baserri ugari du, hala nola Olatzar, Borda, Minkura, Bordatxo, Darieta-zar "Daita", Miura, Iribarren, Gaintza, Apaiziartza, Itzua bekoa, San Juan Iturria, Itxue, Galardi, Arpire-enea, Maisu Cristobal-enea, Susana-enea, Sagu-enea, Jamot-enea, Mandasayania, Pikandia-enea, Paskual-enea, Kuartela, Mariya-enea, Txerrimuno, Zabala-etxea, Andreone.
Oiartzungo Hirigune Historikoa oso zaharra da eta balio historiko handiko elementuak ditu. Besteak beste, honakook aurki ditzakegu: Erromesen Ospitalea, Lartaungo Done Eztebe Eliza eta Udaletxea. Lartaungo Done Eztebe Elizaren barruan XVII. mendeko erretaula dago, Juan de Huici maisuak egina, eta kultur ondasun deklaratua. Eusko Jaurlaritzak monumentuaren kategoria eman dio. Udaletxea, berriz, eraikin soila da. 1678. urtean eraiki zuten eta Gipuzkoako gainerako udaletxeei erreparatuz, salbuespena da, ez baitu estilo platereskoa.
Gainera, Oiartzunen janari tradizionala eta berriztatzailea dasta daiteke. Are gehiago, baserrietan euskal artisautzaren produktuak eros daitezke.
Oso kultur eskaintza zabala du, besteak beste, Soinuenea - Herri Musikaren Txokoa, Luberri-Ikasgune Geologikoa eta Arditurri Meatze Gunea.
Historikoki Pasaiako Badia San Pedroko eta Pasai Donibaneko hiriguneek bete dute, biek arrantzaleen hirigune ederrak osatzen dituztelarik. Pasai Antxo (badiaren erdian) eta Trintxerpe (San Pedroren alboan) barrutiak askoz beranduago eratu ziren, Pasaiako portuak garrantzia hartzen zuen heinean.
Bi Hirigune Historikoek (Pasai Donibanek eta Pasai San Pedrok) Donostiaren eta Hondarribiaren fundazioan dute jatorria. 1770ean Pasai Donibane Hondarribiatik bereizi zen eta azkenean bere udalerria osatu zuen. Pasai San Pedrok 1805era arte itxaron behar izan zuen hori bera lortzeko.
Pasai Antxo eta Trintxerpe, XIX. mendean eratu ziren. Sorburua trenbidea, "Nazional 1” errepidea eta portuaren arrantza-lanak izan zirelarik.
Gaur egun zama-porturik garrantzitsuena da herrialdean.
Pasai Donibaneko eta Pasai San Pedroko hirigune historikoetan azpimarratzekoak dira jauregi-etxeak eta famili etxe garrantzitsuak. Eraikin guztiak 1800 baino lehenago eraiki ziren. Etxe gehienek zuzeneko kontaktua dute badiarekin.